Tuesday, 25 March 2014

There are no Palestinians only Falestinians

There are no "Palestinians" they are "Falestinians" 
  • There is no  letter "P" in Arabic 
  • The word "Palestine" had no meaning to them prior to 1967. Countless official British Mandate-vintage documents speak of ‘the Jews’ and ‘the Arabs’ of Palestine – not ‘Jews and Palestinians.’
Ironically, before local Jews began calling themselves Israelis in 1948 (the name ‘Israel’ was chosen for the newly-established Jewish state), the term ‘Palestine’ applied almost exclusively to Jews and the institutions founded by new Jewish immigrants in the first half of the 20th century, before independence.

Some examples include:
• The Jerusalem Post, founded in 1932, was called the Palestine Post until 1948.
• Bank Leumi L’Israel was called the “Anglo-Palestine Bank, a Jewish Company.”
• The Jewish Agency – an arm of the Zionist movement engaged in Jewish settlement since 1929 – was called the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
• The house organ of American Zionism in the 1930s was called New Palestine.
• Today’s Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1936 by German Jewish refugees who fled Nazi Germany, was called the “Palestine Symphony Orchestra, composed of some 70 Palestinian Jews.”
• The United Jewish Appeal (UJA) was established in 1939 as a merger of the United Palestine Appeal and the fundraising arm of the Joint Distribution Committee.

Encouraged by their success at historical revisionism and brainwashing the world with the ‘Big Lie’ of a Palestinian people, Palestinian Arabs have more recently begun to claim they are the descendants of the Philistines and even the Stone Age Canaanites. Based on that myth, they can claim to have been ‘victimized’ twice by the Jews: In the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites and by the Israelis in modern times – a total fabrication.
Archaeologists explain that the Philistines were a Mediterranean people who settled along the coast of Canaan in 1100 BCE. They have no connection to the Arab nation, a desert people who emerged from the Arabian Peninsula.

Contradictions abound, Palestinian leaders claim to be descended from the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Jebusites and the first Christians. They also co-opt Jesus and ignore his Jewishness, at the same time claiming the Jews never were a people and never built the Holy Temples in Jerusalem. Note the badges of the Jewish Brigade from WWII in Hebrew you have "Palestine" and with it the letters א"י - Aleph Yud - Eretz Yisrael!

Saturday, 22 March 2014

The Absence of Muslim Tradition related to Jerusalem. How about that.. follow me on Twitter


 During over a Century of Muslim control of Jerusalem , it was never made the Capital of anything. On the contrary during the reign of the  ( 661-750) , the City of Ramla was constructed to be that Kingdom's capital. 

Al-Walid bin Abd al Malid who ruled Jerusalem .( 705-715) and was responsible for the completion of the dome of the Rock ( started in 688 by his father,Abd al- Malik ) built this magnificent building as during his rule Mdina and Mecca were under the rule of Ibn al-Zubayr, the political rival of the Umayyad dynasty and he feared that their pilgrimages would be exposed to anti-Umayyed propaganda and might become subversive elements within his kingdom. The construction of the dome of the Rock was thus intended to serve as an alternative to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina , as a focal point for pilgrimages .. 

The Koran describes Muhammad's "night journey" to a place at the edge , " al aqsa" and many Muslim scholars have agreed that at the time this referred to Jerusalem, although other traditions were also current. Moreover , the Holy Land was thought of as a 'nearby country" or 'neighboring country" , so the place at the edge" was almost certrainly not Jerusalem".... 

In the Twentieth Century , King Hussein of Jordan made a futile attempt to link the house of  Hashemite  to Temple Mount and the Mosque of Omar , by paying for the guiding of the Dome in Gold . six months later , he renounced any Jordanian interest in control of the Dome of the Rock or Zion... West of the the Jordan River.

On King Hussein.... The below stamp says it all. a Nobel Prize missed opportunity. Instead it went to a Terrorst by any name and deed , Yassir Arafat. May history eventually call this despicable arab by the the  name he deserves.. a   terrorist with the  blood of thousands on his hands.