During over a Century of Muslim control of Jerusalem , it was never made the Capital of anything. On the contrary during the reign of the ( 661-750) , the City of Ramla was constructed to be that Kingdom's capital.
Al-Walid bin Abd al Malid who ruled Jerusalem .( 705-715) and was responsible for the completion of the dome of the Rock ( started in 688 by his father,Abd al- Malik ) built this magnificent building as during his rule Mdina and Mecca were under the rule of Ibn al-Zubayr, the political rival of the Umayyad dynasty and he feared that their pilgrimages would be exposed to anti-Umayyed propaganda and might become subversive elements within his kingdom. The construction of the dome of the Rock was thus intended to serve as an alternative to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina , as a focal point for pilgrimages ..
The Koran describes Muhammad's "night journey" to a place at the edge , " al aqsa" and many Muslim scholars have agreed that at the time this referred to Jerusalem, although other traditions were also current. Moreover , the Holy Land was thought of as a 'nearby country" or 'neighboring country" , so the place at the edge" was almost certrainly not Jerusalem"....
In the Twentieth Century , King Hussein of Jordan made a futile attempt to link the house of Hashemite to Temple Mount and the Mosque of Omar , by paying for the guiding of the Dome in Gold . six months later , he renounced any Jordanian interest in control of the Dome of the Rock or Zion... West of the the Jordan River.
On King Hussein.... The below stamp says it all. a Nobel Prize missed opportunity. Instead it went to a Terrorst by any name and deed , Yassir Arafat. May history eventually call this despicable arab by the the name he deserves.. a terrorist with the blood of thousands on his hands.

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