In Palestina The first fruits to carry the "Jaffa orange" brand were from an agricultural colony of the Temple Society in Sarona (commonly pronounced Sharona, est. 1871). 1
Sarona -The Kingdom of God - to Nazism - The Kingdom of God
After World War I, the British sent the Templars packing, but members of the sect were later allowed to return. They were banished for a second and final time when their Nazi connections were discovered in the late 1930s. 2
The carefully tended groves of Jaffa oranges are long gone, buried, forgotten beneath the concrete, steel and asphalt of modern day Tel Aviv. The bones of those that planted the groves and loved their land as part of the Kingdom of God peacefully await the Second Coming, from the Galilee, to Jaffa, to Jerusalem.
August, 1854 in Ludwigsburg, Germany, Christoph Hoffman, Christoph Paulus, Georg David Hardegg and Louis Hohn, along with 200 supporters, form the "Society for the Gathering of the People of God in Jerusalem." They were members of a fundamentalist splinter of the Lutheran Church which expelled the rapidly growing movement in 1859. Failing in their appeal not to be expelled from the Church to King William I of Wurttemberg two years later, they established an independent Christian religious organization called the Deutscher Tempel (German Temple). Hoffman was elected Bishop. The members called themselves Templers. The Templers believed that they must relocate to Palestine as Germany could not be reformed. In Palestine they would dedicate their lives to live according to the apostolic vision from Corinthians 3:16 "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" Remaking their lives as God's temple in Palestine, they believed, would hasten the Second Coming of Christ and the Messianic era.
Sarona – early 1900's
(Continuing Palestinian terrorism reached a new level of depravity in Europe, Feb. of 1978. A new Palestinian terror group, calling itself the Arab Revolutionary Army – Palestine Command, hypodermically injected what they believed were Jaffa oranges with mercury. A number of people, particularly children, were made severely ill. At first it was believed to be a major economic blow to Israel's $172,000,000 Jaffa orange export business. It was later determined that the terrorists did not know they had also injected Jaffa style oranges from Spain and Morocco with the same poison. Ironically, the effect on Israel's Jaffa orange industry at first was significant but it eventually became a positive. Agricultural land, labor and water use in Israel was becoming cost prohibitive. It was increasingly a historical anachronism of the early Zionist pioneering efforts. The Jaffa orange terror helped accelerate the transition of Israel's economy from agrarian based to one much more efficient, profitable and powerful: the new industrial and technology based economy of modern Israel. 9)
Even before the Ottomans, and for centuries, under the Ottomans, Palestine had been an under-populated economic, political and cultural backwater. Another, more powerful, more aggressive, more desperate movement of people was moving to Palestine. They brought money for development. They purchased land. They learned, sometimes from the Templers, and became farmers. Many chose urban living. They radically improved and changed Palestine economically, politically, culturally and religiously. The Jews were returning. They were returning in larger and larger numbers to their ancient homeland. Some of the earliest returned for religious reasons. Later Jewish immigration returned, increasingly, because of spiritual needs fueled by practical necessity, as during the First Aliyah. By the 1930's Jewish immigration was a flood of desperate humanity, not just for economic opportunity, but for survival as the murderous clouds of the Holocaust formed. The Jewish return, before the 1880's, had been a trickle. By the 1930's, it was a comparative torrent.
The Jews returned to Jaffa fifty years before the Templers arrived. Jaffa was the largest port city in Palestine from the biblical times of Jonah until the early 20th century. It was the sea gateway to Palestine.
"The revival of Jaffa's Jewish community was initiated by a rabbi from Constantinople, Yeshaya Adjiman. In 1820 he purchased a house that he used for (Jewish) pilgrims passing through the city. The first Jewish residents of Jaffa were artisans and Jewish merchants from Maghreb who preferred to live from their own handiwork rather than depend on subsidies from charity – the halukkah.
The first wave of Zionist immigration – the First Aliya (1882 -1904) overturned the customs and habits of the Jewish community of Jaffa. Jaffa became the meeting place for the newcomers who wandered at great length in its streets before venturing into the interior of the country where only the most veteran wander in search of work (a personally dangerous proposition). The city developed serious housing problems, which prompted the Rokach brothers, Shimon and Eleazer to found the charitable organizations – Bnai Zion, the Children of Zion, and Ezrat Israel – Aid to Israel – to assist those most in need.
These associations would support the opening of numerous institutions, such as the hospital Shaare Zion, the Gates of Zion.
With the beginning of the First Aliyah in 1882, the Jewish community of Jaffa grew five fold or more (to about 6,000) in the space of a few years. Two new Jewish neighborhoods — Neve Zedeq and Neve Shalom — were founded before the end of the century; several others followed before the Second Aliyah began in 1904–1905. This new wave exacerbated the housing shortage".
"In July 1906, the convention of the Jews of Yafo was held at the Yeshurun Club. The participants complained about the terrible living conditions of Yafo's Jews, the poor sanitation and congested housing, the badly lit streets, and worst of all the "Muhra. (The Muhra was the Muslim requirement that Jews must change their residences once a year.) Arieh Akiva Weiss, who had just arrived in the country, proposed the establishment of a new neighborhood outside Yafo. Weiss' idea was enthusiastically received and Yafo Agudat Bonei Batim (Jaffa House-Builders Association), forerunner of Ahuzat Bait, was formed at once. It marked the beginning of Tel Aviv.
The founders of the new community aimed to build a new neighborhood that would be independent of Yafo. Their vision was a city designed along the lines of the Garden City Movement, headed by the British city planner Sir Ebenezer Howard. They had in mind a green and spacious city, the very opposite of the urban squalor of Yafo.
"Within a year, Herzl, Ahad Ha'am, Judah Halevi, Lilienblum, and Rothschild Streets had been laid out, pipes laid for running water, and the 66 houses (six of the plots had been subdivided) completed; a site at the end of Herzl St. was set aside for a new building, the Herzliyya Hebrew high school, founded in Jaffa in 1906. Shortly thereafter, on May 21, 1910, the householders renamed their settlement "Tel Aviv" — "Spring Hill." Their immediate inspiration was the title that Nahum Sokolow had given to his Hebrew translation of Herzl's utopian romance, Altneuland. Sokolow, who borrowed the name from Ezekiel 3:15, thought of tel — a heap of ancient ruins — as corresponding to alt 'old'; and of spring as conveying the idea of rebirth latent in neu 'new'.
By 1914, after the addition of several new neighborhoods, the area of the suburb had grown to more than 100 hectares, the number of houses had tripled, and the population had increased almost sevenfold, to around 2,000.
World War I and the Ottoman authorities' suspicion of the large un-naturalized Jewish immigrant population put an abrupt halt to the town's growth. Finally, as the British Army approached Palestine, the Ottomans expelled the Jews from both Jaffa and Tel Aviv (Mar. 28, 1917). Eight months later, after the British forces occupied the area, the refugees (most of whom had been living in the Jewish agricultural colonies of the interior) were able to return home.
Two major watershed events took place in May 1921: On May 1, Arab rioters began a pogrom in Jaffa, which took the lives of 47 Jews. The Arabs won the battle — to get the Jews out of central Jaffa — but lost the war: the Jewish mass migration to Tel Aviv, which left Jaffa almost devoid of Jewish residents and especially commercial interests, provided an important stimulus to the economic growth of the new Jewish city.
On May 11, the British Mandatory authorities gave Tel Aviv "town council" status, which included the right to set up a local police force and local court. The next year, the Jewish neighborhoods of northern Jaffa were transferred to Tel Aviv, whose population reached 15,000.
The boom continued with the advent of the Fourth Aliyah, mainly central European bourgeois; by 1925 Tel Aviv was a bustling city of 34,000. Cultural life was professionalized with the establishment of the Ohel Theater and the decision by Habimah, founded in Moscow in 1918, to make Tel Aviv its permanent home (1931). The economic slowdown of 1927–30 kept the growth from continuing. But after the Nazis came to power in Germany, the Fifth Aliyah (mainly 1933–35) flooded Tel Aviv, whose population skyrocketed—from 45,564 in 1931 to 120,000 in 1935 and 150,000 in 1937 ("mother" Jaffa, mostly Arab, had only 69,000 residents in that year).
On May 12, 1934, Tel Aviv officially received municipal status. The gardens of Ahuzzat Bayit had disappeared, but the city was the undisputed heart of Jewish Palestine in every major realm — economic, financial, cultural, and even political. Of the major institutions of the Yishuv, only the Chief Rabbinate and Jewish Agency were in Jerusalem. In 1936, the Tel Aviv port was opened to provide an entrance to the country that would be in exclusively Jewish hands. By 1939, Tel Aviv had 160,000 residents — slightly more than a third of the Jewish population of Eretz Israel." 12
"In November 1917, during the orange harvest time, the war came to Sarona. British troops (including many Australians) occupied the German settlements in Palestine, including Sarona, and in July 1918 its inhabitants, together with those of Jerusalem, Jaffa and Wilhelma (a total of 850 people) were interned in Egypt at Helouan near Cairo. Ottoman Turkish Rule ceased in Palestine that year. Negotiations for a return to Palestine were protracted over two years The Red Cross, the Quakers and Unitarians were among those who took up the cause for the internees. Eventually, on 29 July 1920 (only after 270 internees had been repatriated in April to Bad Mergentheim in Germany) the House of Lords gave permission for the remaining internees in Egypt to return to Palestine. The residents of Sarona returned to a plundered and dilapidated settlement. Some houses were gone altogether. Vineyards and orchards were overgrown and neglected and livestock had disappeared. Following negotiations with the British authorities, compensation was paid, in some cases up to 50%.
"In Germany I had seen Jews completely assimilated, from 'honorary Aryans' to 100% Nazis, who had allegedly stamped out their all-Jewish meetings, hands raised in the Hitler salute, shouting, 'Down with us!' They had buried their heads, ostrich-wise, in the social sands of Germany, but the anti-Semites shot them nevertheless, because they were not economically assimilated. Although they spoke the same language as other Germans, loved the same philosophers and authors, drank the same beer and liked the same sausages, they remained competitors with in acquisitive society." 15
He was buried in the Doblinger Friedhof, high above Vienna. There is another cemetery in Vienna, the Zentral-Friedhof, where the poorer Jews are buried in dreary, monotonous rows. Herzl does not lie among the rank and file of his people. He is in an exquisite garden, where a luxurious sweep of green hills and valleys runs on to the Kahlenberg. He sleeps among the Jewish aristocrats of Vienna. But the bitterest after –death touches have been administered by the Zionist disciples of Herzl, who have neglected their leader and his family. Herzl’s seventy-fifth birthday was practically ignored in America, home of Tom, Dick and Harry banquets. In Europe it received scant attention compared with the sixtieth anniversaries of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Zionism’s present leader, and Bialik, Zionism’s poet. While disciples were spending fortunes on banquets and publicity and paid their own salaries in gold, Herzl’s son begged for bread. His father had spent the family fortune on Zionism. Out of bitterness over the Zionist’s treatment of himself and his sisters, he tried his father’s first plan for the salvation of the Jews. He joined the Catholic Church, but soon left it in despair, and finally committed suicide." 18
In Palestine, Gessner met and interviewed much of the Zionist present and future leadership; Meir Dizengoff, Chaim Weizmann, Ben Gurion, Golda Meyerson, Henrietta Szold, Moshe Shertok, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Dr. Judah Magnes as well as members of the Arab community such as Fakhri Bey Nahashibi. He toured, studied, observed and bitingly commented on Palestine, a country of intense contrasts.
The Saronians are the one group in Palestine to whom the bloodshed, contradictions, and confusions are a big joke. The repeated preparations of the British for widespread uprisings, the importation of troops by airplane from Egypt, the parades of tanks, the erection of barbed-wire entanglements – seem to them quite funny, because they aim to profit either way. The Jews want their land, the Arabs their sympathy, the British their tax money. Going to Palestine as they did in the 1870's they preceded by over half a century the arrival of the Zionists. They went to Palestine from Germany as religious Zionists; they were returning to the land of their spiritual birth. They desired to live and die in Zion in the service of their Lord, Jesus Christ. They established for themselves a spiritual homeland. With them it was not a question of physical persecution, as it later has been the case with most Jewish Zionists. And so it came to pass that the Nazis got the German Jews going and coming….
Marganit Tower
In 2008, after 60 years in the wilderness, the name Sarona is back on the map. Following the opening of a widened Kaplan Street, the authorities have renamed the area south of the street the Sarona Garden.
Sarona Garden Logo
A logo has been designed for Sarona Garden which depicts the "old" (the Winery and Cellar) surrounded by the new".31
1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_orange
2 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1208870500760
2A From Desert Sands to Golden Oranges, The History of the German Templer Settlement of Sarona, Paletine 1871-1947, Helmut Glenk, Horst Blaich and Manfred Haering, Trafford Press, Victoria, B.C. 2005
“Sarona I greet you with heart and hand I love to stroll from house to house
I greet your citizens that live there In the golden sunshine
You beloved piece of home in the Holy land The homes radiate out of their gardens
You ornament of Germanic Strength I imagine that I’m home again.
The palms, the pines, the peppercorn trees I often stand by the window at night
Planted by German hands Quite near the sounds of the sea
Protecting the German homes from storms Above Sarona the moon does its round
And against the scorching sun Pouring the silver light over this town
Jackals come closer at the forest’s edge In fields and roads the German greeting
Their howlings shrills wildly thru’ the night And laughing children’s delight
Sarona’s children are smiling in their dreams Whoever can spend their days here
Watched over by their loving mothers Will have a happy heart in their breast”.
Pg. 255 “In August 1940 a German (Sarona) civilian internee, Dr. Josef Gorbach, (Internee Number 128) wrote a poem about Sarona”.
3 The Templers arrived about the same time as did Baha'u'llah the founder of the Baha'I Faith. The Baha'u'llah stayed twice in the German Colony. Today, the city of Haifa's main tourist office is located in one of the many surviving Templer houses at the base of Mt. Carmel. Rising with extraordinary beauty from the top of the onetime Templer community's main boulevard, renamed Ben Gurion, is one of the great cultural and historical sites of the world. The Baha'I Gardens and the gold domed white Grecian temple styled tomb of the founders ascend, seemingly vertically, along rich green bordered garden terraces to the summit of Mt. Carmel.
A Haifa contemporary tourist marker in the German Colony reads:
"The establishment of the German Colony in 1869 is a milestone in the history of Haifa's development. In the middle of a sparsely populated and largely barren land, laboring under deficient rule, hundreds of German settlers characterized by great energy, resourcefulness, religious fervor and a variety of professional backgrounds, established a garden city unlike any that existed in the country until then.
Outside the Haifa city walls, a boulevard sprang up stretching from the foot of the hills to the sea. It was lined with gardens and homes, remarkable for their beauty.
In addition, the German settlers succeeded in establishing on Carmel Mountain a residential quarter among the most pleasant in the country, today's Carmel Center".
5 The third German Templer Colony is founded near Refaim in Jerusalem, 1873. The "German Colony" is an upscale trendy Jerusalem neighborhood in 2008 with many restaurants and boutiques.
6 Eucalyptus trees are a fast-growing source of wood, its oil can be used for cleaning and functions as a natural insecticide, and it is sometimes used to drain swamps and thereby reduce malaria risk.
7 Community buildings, a winery, workshops, barns and sheds
8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaffa_orange
9 The Jerusalem Post sarcastically attacked the Palestinians: "They now send their freedom fighters to stab—if not with the sword at least with the syringe—the harmless Jaffa orange." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,915917,00.html?promoid=googlep
10 Rabbi Kook was first rabbi of Neve Tzedek. Neve Tzedek was established in 1887, 22 years before the 1909 founding of the City of Tel Aviv, by a group of Jewish families seeking a more peaceful life outside of overpopulated Jaffa. Other neighborhoods sprung up around Neve Tzedek, which were incorporated into the contemporary boundaries of the neighborhood.
The new residents constructed mostly colorful, low buildings along narrow streets. Residents' homes featured many contemporary luxuries like private bathrooms and kitchens.
At the beginning of the 1900s, many artists and writers made Neve Tzedek their residence. Most notably, future Nobel Prize laureate Shmuel Yosef Agnon, as well as Hebrew artist Nahum Gutman, used Neve Tzedek as both a home and a sanctuary for art.
11Rabbi Kook was the first rabbi of Neve Tzedek
13 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarona,_Palestine
14 Some of My Best Friends are Jews, Robert Gessner, Farrar & Rinehart, N.Y. 1936. Pg. 110-111, chapter titled Hitler is more Humane.
16 http://www.transferagreement.com/
18 Gesssner, pgs. 159-160
Herzl's, last descendent, his grandson, Stephen Theodore Norman was abandoned and forgotten by the Zionists for 61 years. Norman was the only Herzl to have visited Palestine other than his grandfather. He was a committed Zionist. He died in Washington, D.C. in 1946. He was buried by the Jewish Agency and forgotten. Dec. 5, 2007, after a bitter struggle lasting almost six years, Norman was brought home. He was buried with his family on Mt. Herzl in the plot for Zionist leaders.
The Last Herzl: http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/thelastherzl.html
21 No good German is still buying from a Jew," Adolph Hitler's to Nazi Party, March 1933
23 http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1208870500760
"Templar youth from Palestine had been sent to attend "educational" youth activities and family visits in Germany, where they met with top Nazi officials. Photographs on display at the Beit Lehem HaGlilit home of the Fleischman family depict Templar sect members wearing swastika armbands and congregating in one of the large courtyards between the two-story buildings and outhouses. The Templars of Beit Lehem HaGlilit (Galilean Bethlehem) and neighboring Waldheim (meaning "Forest Home" in German) were eventually rounded up by the British and sent to detention camps until their deportation, after which British Mandate soldiers and police were billeted in the Templars' former homes. When Jewish refugee families later moved into the Templar houses in Beit Lehem HaGlilit and Alonei Abba, they discovered hidden Templar belongings that attested the sect's support of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. Items discovered in the community's homes included Nazi party pennants, badges, banners, pamphlets and flags, in addition to photographs".
23A http://www.trafford.com/04-1334 23B ibid, From Desert Sands to Golden Oranges, pg. 198-200 24http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/dnutting/germanaustralia/e/palestine3.htm
25 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarona,_Palestine
26 http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/dnutting/germanaustralia/e/palestine3.htm
27 The Holocaust, A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War, Martin Gilbert, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1985 Pgs. 552-553
28 http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/e/eichmann-adolf/transcripts/Judgment/Judgment-011.html
29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarona,_Palestine
30 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaKirya
31 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarona,_Palestine 32 On the backcover of “From Desert Sands to Golden Oranges”: “This books is an especially important contribution towards the history of Palestine. The Swabian Templer settlement of Sarona was the first modern agricultural settlement in Palestine and ws reputed to be a model settlement by the Jewish immigrants. The book portrays the settlement from its foundation in 1871 to the end of World War II. It is hoped that the present city fathers of Tel Aviv will recognize the historical significance of this settlement and take into account the need for its preservation during their present redevelopment discussions. Dr. Jakob Eisler, Historian, Haifa, Israel”.
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